the forest
Working with the forest now means preparing the forest for generations to come.
We need to spread the possibilities for wooden constructions in the future. If we
request materials from diff erent species and ages now, we prepare the forests with
these materials for the future. Th is is also something to consider in a time of war
and struggles with imported materials. It is important to secure our forests with
materials in diff erent qualities that can be used without a process of manufacturing
and additives. By man force and with the possibilities of only using local found
joints. (We no longer have a screw-production in Sweden)
Th e way we are felling in the forest is another aspect. Huge, clear-felled areas seem
to be destructive to the forest. Some say we should only work with pick-felling;
only fell the trees with the right dimensions and characteristics. Other say it can be
good to start over in a small area. If so, this area should not be bigger than a “house
yard”. In this size the surrounding forest have a chance to naturally re-take the area.
Th e surrounding forest could potentially also collect leaking